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SatelliteHome - Canada's most knowledgeable satellite discussion forum  |  Support  |  AzBox miniMe American Edition  |  AzboxAmericas still here?
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Author Topic: AzboxAmericas still here?  (Read 2424 times)

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« on: March 06, 2017, 05:59 am »

Hi all,
not sure there is anyone from Azbox NA team still about and watching the forums..
I'll post the reqeust anyway...

AzboxAmericas seem to be the last team to ever reqbuild the Azbox miniME kernel.
I am trying to rebuild kernel for ME and miniMe for Openatv image , but am failing to produce a kernel that actually boots. (recovery needed).

If there is anyone out there that has managed to rebuild a working kernel, please get in touch.

One of the openatv team did create a newer kernel in 2015 (which is since added in precompiled form), but he does not have enough detailed recollection what he did do to make it work in the end - other than that it was a real pain.

AzBox Americas staff member

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AzBox Americas
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2017, 11:14 am »

Of course we are still here as this is our official forum.  There were some technical issues after a recent upgrade of our forum software which made it not function properly for a few weeks but these have now been resolved.

Unfortunately, we can't offer you much assistance as third party firmware is not supported on the AzBox miniMe American Edition.  This product was developed for use in North America while the firmware you are trying to use was designed for the European market and has several operational issues for use in our market.  In addition. anyone installing third party firmware on the AzBox miniMe American Edition voids their 2 year warranty.

Rather than going to all this trouble for nothing, it would be a lot better if you let us know which features you would like added or issues resolved so that we may try to implement them in future firmware releases.  In fact, we are currently working on a new firmware version as we speak so if you are quick enough, we might be able to add your suggestions to it.

Best regards,

AzBox Americas

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« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2017, 10:49 am »

Any news on the new firmware PWRSurge?

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« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2017, 04:39 pm »

Any news on the new firmware PWRSurge?

Judging by the fact the owner of this forum has not been active since June..we can safely say the AZbox is dead in the water!!

Lies and false promises!!
AzBox Americas staff member

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AzBox Americas
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2017, 02:18 pm »

Sorry for the lack of updates.  Development slows down a bit during the summer months due to staff taking their vacation.  However, we have a new firmware version almost ready as it is currently being tested internally.  It will be released once it passes all tests on our end.

Best regards,

AzBox Americas

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« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2017, 03:12 pm »

Look forward to trying it out...
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