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Author Topic: Upgrade process still needs work  (Read 5152 times)

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« on: March 23, 2015, 03:44 pm »

Decided to join the others in upgrading from 1.86.  The process going to 1.87 worked flawlessly.  Had all config settings and channels back.  Channel switching much quicker.  Info screen showed 1.87.

Upgrading to 2.03:  Kernal flash seemed to complete.  The bottom line global percent seemed to stop at around 55%.  Waited five minutes and rebooted as per your instructions.  No Video on HDMI at all.  Tried your suggestions.  Put IP address in firefox browser but doesn't connect.

Good news is that I do get the orange power button back to blue, which you say means the new kernal flashed alright.

Next steps for trouble-shooting?


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« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2015, 03:09 pm »

Apparently, this is the new support forum.  At least acknowledge my thread and state you are working on the problem.  I supported you for 2 1/2 years at Satguys.

Send me a cable and file if I have to Jtag or give me remote instructions if I can load 2.05 with USB since I am working blind.


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« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2015, 10:35 pm »

Unbelievable!  All your people have been bricking their boxes for over three months.  You still have the bad  2.03 firmware up?  Fix the problem and tell people not to upgrade.
AzBox Americas staff member

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AzBox Americas
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2015, 01:02 pm »

Upgrading to 2.03:  Kernal flash seemed to complete.  The bottom line global percent seemed to stop at around 55%.  Waited five minutes and rebooted as per your instructions.  No Video on HDMI at all.  Tried your suggestions.  Put IP address in firefox browser but doesn't connect.

Where in the instructions provided does it state to manually reboot your receiver when the flashing operation is incomplete (i.e. was only at 55% as you stated)?

Please note that in some cases, your receiver may not automatically reboot after the firmware finishes flashing. If your receiver does not reboot after over 1 minute the flash operation completed, please press and hold down the power button for 5 seconds in order to do a hard reboot of the unit.

As per the above instructions, it clearly states to only manually restart if the receiver does not reboot after over 1 minute the flash operation has completed (i.e. has reached 100%).  During the upgrade process, it is normal for the progress bar to stop and start at various points during the procedure but the upgrade does eventually complete which takes anywhere between 5 to 10 minutes.  As with any other receiver, under NO circumstances should you be manually rebooting it if the flashing procedure has not reached 100%!


Good news is that I do get the orange power button back to blue, which you say means the new kernal flashed alright.

Next steps for trouble-shooting?

Yes, this means that the new kernel flashed successfully but not the main or recovery program partitions as the box was rebooted before the procedure was able to complete.  As you mentioned that the global status only reached about 55%, the main program partition should not have been touched so it is still under the old 1.87 version.

The first thing you need to do is to try and enter recovery mode by holding the "1" key on the remote while the unit is booting to see if at least the recovery program partition was upgraded to the new version that works on the upgraded kernel.  If it does, then safe mode should work and you can simply reflash the unit from there following the instructions that came with the unit.

If safe mode does not work then the kernel on your receiver will have to be temporarily reverted back to the old version so that you may boot and upgrade to the 2.03 firmware version again.  If this is the case, please let me know and I will PM you specific instructions on how to proceed.

Best regards,


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« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2015, 01:28 pm »

Thanks for the reply.  I may have misunderstood the directions.  The flash kernal said complete and I guessed the global at 55% because there is no number on that line.  It remained at that level for 5-7 minutes without budging slowly forward, so I assumed I would have to manually reboot to complete the process.  The 5-10 minute timeframe for flashing would have been extremely helpful in your upgrade instructions.  I have been used to very quick flash times before, of course with older recovery and kernal already on the box.

I do not get any video in safe mode, so It would be great for you to PM instructions.

Thanks, Catamount
AzBox Americas staff member

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AzBox Americas
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2015, 02:39 pm »

Unbelievable!  All your people have been bricking their boxes for over three months.  You still have the bad  2.03 firmware up?  Fix the problem and tell people not to upgrade.

The 2.03 firmware is NOT bad.  There should be no issues upgrading from 1.87 to 2.03 as long as one accurately follows the upgrade instructions.  Obviously, manually rebooting the box halfway during the flashing process like you did will brick it as with any other receiver. ::)   

Please note that a 1.87 to 2.03 upgrade does take longer than usual as the kernel is also being upgraded as well so one does need to be patient as it usually takes 5 to 10 minutes for the upgrade to fully complete.

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« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2015, 02:49 pm »

The problem as I see it is that the kernal flash completes within a minute.  Then there is no progression for the next 5-7 minutes.  It seems like the box is frozen.  I think this led myself and others to believe that something wasn't working right.  If the kernal completed line had moved to erasing flash or programming flash, then of course I would have waited to see if it would complete
AzBox Americas staff member

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AzBox Americas
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2015, 02:56 pm »

The problem as I see it is that the kernal flash completes within a minute.  Then there is no progression for the next 5-7 minutes.  It seems like the box is frozen.  I think this led myself and others to believe that something wasn't working right.  If the kernal completed line had moved to erasing flash or programming flash, then of course I would have waited to see if it would complete

Much of the issues are caused by the old kernel which occasionally freezes temporarily during the flashing procedure so this is not something that can easily be resolved.

However, once upgraded to the new kernel, this does not occur so one simply has to be patient and not touch the box for 10 minutes while the upgrade process is taking place.

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« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2015, 03:20 pm »

I don't see a like button but will says thanks for the explanations!

AzBox Americas staff member

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AzBox Americas
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2015, 01:39 pm »

PM sent.

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« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2015, 05:35 pm »

was able to telnet in.  Things were scrolling fast after last command.  Looked away for a few seconds and the telnet box was gone.   Waited 35 minutes, then rebooted holding Zero key.  Still no video.  Been trying for last hour to get internet IP recognized again.  No luck.  Kernal must be reverted as there is no orange anymore on reboot.

AzBox Americas staff member

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AzBox Americas
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2015, 09:32 am »

was able to telnet in.  Things were scrolling fast after last command.  Looked away for a few seconds and the telnet box was gone.   Waited 35 minutes, then rebooted holding Zero key.  Still no video.  Been trying for last hour to get internet IP recognized again.  No luck.  Kernal must be reverted as there is no orange anymore on reboot.


Sorry for the late reply, just got back from a week's vacation.  Now that the kernel got reverted, you should be able to boot using either the main or recovery partition assuming that you initially did not hose both partitions when you rebooted while the unit was still flashing.  Sometimes it does take a few tries to switch from safe mode to regular mode so after unplugging the receiver for at least 10 seconds, plug it back in, press and release the front panel power button then hold down the 0 key for at least 30 seconds or until you see the AzBox booting... message.

If it still does not work after trying a few times, try to boot in safe mode by holding down the 1 key instead of 0.


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« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2015, 11:17 am »

Thanks for the reply!  I tried everything for a few days, but I think both partitions were corrupted.
You can close/lock this thread.

Since my box was out of warranty and I don't really require blind-scan, I flashed it with Euro firmware.
So all is good and I am happy with the result.  Thanks for the help over the years!

AzBox Americas staff member

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AzBox Americas
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2015, 12:12 pm »

Thanks for the reply!  I tried everything for a few days, but I think both partitions were corrupted.
You can close/lock this thread.

Since my box was out of warranty and I don't really require blind-scan, I flashed it with Euro firmware.
So all is good and I am happy with the result.  Thanks for the help over the years!


As this is a special situation, we are able to reflash your receiver under warranty even if it has been over 2 years since you owned the receiver.  Please contact the dealer where you purchased the receiver from and make reference to this thread to avoid any issues.

We will soon be introducing IPTV, an enhanced web interface along with a plugins system in order to enable advanced feedhunting capabilities to the receiver which you would be missing out on.
AzBox Americas staff member

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AzBox Americas
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2015, 02:52 pm »

I don't see a like button but will says thanks for the explanations!


A like button has now been added on this forum.
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