Author Topic: Rainier Satellite is now offering a dish mover  (Read 1509 times)

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Rainier Satellite is now offering a dish mover
« on: August 28, 2015, 07:58 am »
Rainier Satellite is very happy to announce we have found the best mate for the Rainier Cisco D9865 receiver for full satellite arc tracking. We tested them all and came up with the most reliable best solution. Our tracker/ mover can be used with the Rainier D9865 or any receiver. No need for an old failing 4DTV or old analog receiver to move your dish anymore.

You can read our review here: ... ish-mover/

More information and ordering the dish mover can be found here: ... nbplus.htm

included free with purchase is Rainier's fast setup reference satellite arc chart for use with our mover. We offer a discounted price if purchased together with our D9865H HD Receiver.

Rainier Satellite LLC Support.
Call us at: 509-486-4137

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Re: Rainier Satellite is now offering a dish mover
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2015, 08:43 am »
Quote from: jess76
As far as I know the Pansat AP 600 is out of production and "Pansat USA" is no more.  Are these a copy from China?  Jess out in California

Jess your information is incorrect. Pansat the company is now DBA as Link TV Media, they also sell the Linkbox. It is still run by the same Pansat owners. These AP-600's are the original Pansat movers, no fakes or Chinese knockoffs.

The AP-600's have a hefty power supply that handles larger dishes well. It also is not plagued with bugs as other controllers are. Rainier tested all of them and took a lot into consideration before endorsing and selling this product. Rainier will only sell well tested quality products. Just like our D9865 receivers. They may be higher in cost then the run of the mill FTA box, but you also get a PowerVu CA system. Expansion for upgraded CA (future Rainier use)  for subscription, and a FTA receiver in one. Cisco built this box to commercial quality standards. This well built quality shows when you use it with our subscription channels or FTA channels. It does not choke on high bitrate channels like many FTA boxes do, or have other anomalies that plague FTA boxes.

To get quality there has to be an increased cost. Many don't like it but that's the way it works. (you get what you pay for) Most FTA boxes cost around $25.00 to build. There is no way $25.00 worth of parts can compete with something that costs $100's to build.

The AP-600 is a workhorse and has been tested tried and true for years. Another reason why we chose it for our line, over the flash and glitz, inadequate or buggy performers that also are out there.

Rainier wants our customers fully satisfied.
Rainier Satellite LLC Support.
Call us at: 509-486-4137

Offline rainiersatellite

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Re: Rainier Satellite is now offering a dish mover
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2015, 02:54 pm »
Quote from: jess76
I am aware of Link media, but the Ap600 is not listed in their products, or with their dealer in California.  I use a Motorola 922 as a dish mover and polarity changer, but sometines have problems with it.  I thought the "orginal" Pansat AP 600 had polarity control.  The one you have listed only does voltage control for LNBF's The Pansat[now Linkbox] are quality made in S. Koera and come with a 2 yr waranty.  There are still a lot of us out there that use a C/Ku feedhorn with polarity control.  The LNBF system with voltage control seems to be the norm now.  Jess out in California

The AP-600 never had polarity control. The polarity control by Pansat was in the Pansat receivers such as the 2700, 3500... We get the AP-600's directly from the source, we don't have any middle man (dealer) in between. Our polarity control is done using a Rainier control switch and the D9865 receiver's firmware using 2 LNB's. We do not use or recommend LNBF's with our system. When you or anyone are ready to buy feel free to contact Rainier ( or 509-486-4137) to get help or product details you need to make your dish setup work right with our system, or to purchase the AP-600 alone.
Rainier Satellite LLC Support.
Call us at: 509-486-4137

Offline rainiersatellite

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Re: Rainier Satellite is now offering a dish mover
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2015, 09:47 am »
Quote from: jess76
I've found the problem in my 922 mover/polarity changer. Bad wire conections!  All good now.  Jess out in California

I am glad you got your 4DTV working. It is a fine mover and polarity controller. The only problem with the 4DTV is once they break  parts are no longer available, and no one really works on them anymore. The 4DTV as good as it is had its run, we need to face facts and move forward.

Rainier Satellite continues to move forward daily and will overcome any obstacles thrown in our path. Anything can be done with patience and perseverance, we follow this saying daily. Rainier is working on some very exciting developments that details will be released as we can to the public. Once finalized and in place these developments will move Rainier to the forefront being the best C band TV experience money can buy.

Stay tuned...
Rainier Satellite LLC Support.
Call us at: 509-486-4137

Offline rainiersatellite

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Re: Rainier Satellite is now offering a dish mover
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2015, 11:04 am »
Quote from: jess76
As far as I know the Pansat AP 600 is out of production

We got word that some are trying to start a rumour at other places that the AP-600 is no longer being made. This is false information, the AP-600 is still in production and will continue to be produced. Rainier is offering them purchased together with the 9865H receiver for a special price, or alone for the regular price. They are an excellent mover to use with our receiver or any FTA receiver you may be using.
Rainier Satellite LLC Support.
Call us at: 509-486-4137